
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


While it does still require a small amount of knowledge to do so, you can now use tag filtering on the CVs provided to embeed cv forms. Simply add a
query param to the embed url containing the tags you wish to filter the embed to within the embed code.
For Example, to filter to the tags
simply replace
with your own user id in the following embed code.
<object title="Download CV" data=",business" width="100%">Error: Failed to load CV Download Component</object>
Hey everyone!
Been a while since we've had a proper update to share but we have something that should give you all a bit more piece of mind.
We now block downloads from being sent to many of the "temporary" email providers (eg. 10 minute mail and the like).
This helps to prevent bad actors from downloading your CV.
Hi everyone! It's been a little while but a lot has happened. The Social Media landscape has changed so much in just the last few days! As such, Not Another CV has taken the step of adding Threads support.
Threads Support
To add your Threads profile to your account, simply login and click the "Edit Profile" Button
Edit Profile button
From here, you'll see the new Threads field that you can fill out.
Threads Field
Remember, if you want another social network adding to this list, you can request it here.
See you on Threads!
We now offer our premium subscription in a range of currencies including USD, AUD, GBP and EUR. This will hopefully decrease friction for our global user base.
Euro Pricing
The first feature that was requested on our feedback site ( has been added! You can now register and sign in using Google. If you already have an account, you can add the Google Sign In method on your settings screen.
Sign In
Up until now if you included a line break or new paragraph in you bio, job description, project description or qualification description. It wouldn't show up in your pdf or your profile. This has now been resolved. As such, if you previously had added line breaks or paragraphs to your descriptions these have been retrospectively fixed and should not cause issues going forward.
Example Bio
For the past couple of days, there has been an issue with browsers attempting to cache the download request endpoint resulting in downloads timing out. This has now been fixed.




Webcomic CV Theme

I'm sure we've all come across an xkcd comic on the internet at least once.
Well if you have Not Another CV Premium and you've been looking for that retro flair on your CV then do we have news for you. Introducing the Webcomic theme for Not Another CV.
Example of the CV
The old changelog has been removed for a few weeks now while we looked for a replacement. Having considered our options, we've implemented into
Not only does this allow us to offer a more
comprehensive changelog
, but it also allows us to
take feedback
in an easy to control manner.
If you'd like to request a feature, you can now do so at after logging in with your existing account.
Premium users can now now view the predicted employer of recruiters who download their CV via the embed or via their profile. These employers are detected via AI using the email domain.
We label companies we're sure of differently to companies that are AI predicted (AI predicted companies will be yellow rather than green).
From a privacy perspective. Only the domain is used for prediction. We wouldn't feel comfortable dumping peoples full emails into AI without some explicit permissions to do so.
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